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Please Help Families and Children Today

Did you know that your giving provides the services, products, and positive support that families, children, and the community needs to achieve their vision of success? With your support children thrive, homeless families facing barriers are stable and have the skills and jobs they need to maintain healthy housing long term.


MssionSee focuses on three objectives: SHELTER, EDUCATE, & EMPLOY


$1830 per family for an entire year of services include:

  • $421 Safe Affordable Housing

  • $601 Life Skills & STEAM Education

  • $808 Workforce Training & Employment





$1 will provide a binder, notebook, Plastic Pocket Folder or Snack for a student in the education program


$3 will provide a Logo’d Pen & Pencil & notebook set as families plan for a better future


$5 will provide three meals and contribute to the overall implementation of MissionSee programs for one family


$10 will provide a Welcome Basket filled with snacks, hygiene items, and a MissionSee Logo’d T-shirt, or contribute to the development of program resources such as Job Training, Work Uniforms, and Youth Development program. $10 monthly will provide gas for transportation individuals to work or basic needs items for families and children.


$15 can help provide warm clothing, bottled water, socks, warm blankets, and first aid kits to distribute to the homeless or allow us to replace damaged equipment on an ongoing basis


$30 will provide a Goal Achievement Workbook or Planner to help families as they plan to achieve long term sustainability or provide 10 youth with a healthy and nutritious meal for a week and contribute to the overall implementation of MissionSee programs


$50 will help us provide food and drinks for events, a backpack or purse filled with hygiene and personal items or contribute towards the cost of MissionSee programs and equipment or provide youth with leadership development education and a rewards-based gift


$80 will provide job training materials and certification to improve a family’s quality of life and all materials a family needs to create a plan for long term sustainability. 


$100 can help provide mentoring services, coaching and job readiness training for a group of families, pay for groceries for a family, provide a day of enjoyment to a group of families


$250 will support 10 youth in our leadership programs, contribute to the cost of feeding families in need, equip families with the skills, support, and training necessary to become self-sufficient


$295 will set youth on a career path to STEM & Arts education for an entire year


$435 will provide stipend job training or housing deposits as families work towards long term sustainability


$500 monthly will pay for housing or employment program for 5 families in need for a month


$1000 monthly will contribute to the cost of feeding or housing 7 families in need for a month


$2500 monthly will cover the cost of housing, educating and employing 16 families in need of support 


All contributions go towards the overall implementation of MissionSee programs. Thank You!















Poverty, I realized, wasn't only a lack of financial resources; it was isolation from the kind of people that could help you make more of yourself.

- K. Ferrazi

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